Living in the country has some distinct advantages and one of them is attracting and having the most beautiful and delightful little birds called hummingbirds around in your garden! These lovely and iridescent little feathered friends will be sure to return to your doorstep like clockwork year after year once you’ve established your property as hummingbird friendly.
It’s very important that you’re well prepared ahead of time with the very best feeders you can afford if you want your home to be their final destination. It’s as easy as simply placing feeders out in early spring before the first males arrive, making sure to keep them filled regularly with the tasty nectar they require all summer long.
Homeowners looking to attract hummingbirds onto their property need to keep a number of strategies in mind and do some forward planning to attract hummingbirds. One of the key ingredients to keeping hummingbirds happy is staying on top of their voracious feeding habits.
Hummingbirds Love to Feed
Let’s face it, there is a fair bit of work involved here if you want to attract hummingbirds to your home. It may be hard to believe due their tiny size, but hummingbirds require a lot of sweet nectar and they feed at the feeders frequently, especially towards the end of the summer season when they are building up their body weight to get ready for their return to the warmer climates of Mexico and Central America.
Since hummingbirds prefer nectar and need lots of it due to their small size, it’s a good idea if possible, to try and hang several feeders out on your property which will guarantee that everyone gets a turn at the feeder. Don’t be fooled by the hummingbird’s very small stature. These little birds can actually be quite aggressive towards each other and frequently fight over a place at the feeder.
If your garden has the added attraction of flowering nectar filled bushes and perennials that hummingbirds just love, yours is sure to be the kind of property that is highly attractive to hummingbirds as well. The fragrant flowering blooms of bee balm, day lilies and hostas, as well as shrubs and bushes like azaleas, rhododendrons and trumpet vines.
Adding several nectar filled feeders and you’re guaranteed to have happy hummingbirds all summer long. Hummingbirds are also attracted to a variety of hanging garden plants widely available at many garden centers in the spring and summer, such as fragrant jasmine and fuchsia plants among others.
Choosing a Hummingbird Feeder

Most hummingbird feeders on the market today are similar in that they all hold nectar. After that the sky’s the limit! It’s good to know there are a wide variety of choices out there on the market when it comes to hummingbird feeders in both the low to high price range. There’s something to please everyone, so you just need to decide which particular feeder appeals to you. Some feeders come already equipped with a hangar, so the variations are mostly about feeder capacity, materials such as plastic or glass, size, color and the design as well as the number of feeding ports.
When choosing a feeder, there are several questions you should ask yourself like if you’re able to keep on top of filling the feeders. Hummingbirds can be a bit picky so if their nectar goes bad and has been allowed to sit for too long, it can get sour and moldy. The result is that hummingbirds will stop coming to your feeder. FYI homemade nectar is extremely easy and inexpensive to make on your own, and is simply 4:1 ratio of water to sugar cooked on the stovetop, then cooled down completely and stored in a container until use. Commercial hummingbird mix simply has red dye coloring added to it, so if your feeder comes with food you can use that, but just so you know it’s very easy to make hummingbird nectar as well.
While there are a ton of fantastic hummingbird feeders out there to choose from here is a list of feeders you should absolutely check out that are sure to attract hummingbirds to your garden.
The 10 Best Hummingbird Feeders
1. Aspects Hummzinger Ultra Hummingbird Feeder
If you’ve ever dreamed of seeing four gorgeous hummingbirds in your garden at once, then The Aspects Hummzinger twelve ounce capacity feeder is the perfect feeder for you! This feeder invites hummingbirds to feed at four feeding ports, and its durable and bright red feeder base is very attractive to hummingbirds.
The easy to fill feeder has the added advantage of a built in ant moat which deters ants and other insects from getting into the nectar, and raised flower shaped feed ports keep out the rain which can dilute the nectar. Also, the Nectar-Guard tips attached to the feed ports prevents pestering flying insects such as wasps and bees from preventing hummingbirds from feeding. The circular perch encourages hummingbirds to rest as they feed.
If you’re looking for a quality, and easy to clean hummingbird feeder the highly rated Aspects Hummzinger Ultra is the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts. The feeder is also backed with a lifetime guarantee.
2. First Nature Hummingbird Feeder
A great choice for hummingbird enthusiasts, this top selling feeder has many attractive features including a bright red base which hummingbirds love. It has an easy to fill wide-mouth jar and comes with an S-hook for hanging.
The First Nature Hummingbird feeder comes with a two part base which comes apart easily, making it one of the easiest feeders on the market to clean.
In addition, the feeder comes with a sealing ring which aids in leak prevention, and the feeder has a comfortable circular design perch which can easily accommodate multiple hummingbirds at once, and makes for enjoyable bird watching.
3. Birds Choice Hummerfest Hanging Hummingbird Feeder
Adorable and lightweight, this bright red little feeder will attract and keep hummingbirds coming back for more! The feeder comes with a brass hanging rod which screws into the bottom for easy hanging as well as a large twelve ounce clear bottom.
The all-around perches are inviting to hummingbirds to rest and feed at six individual feeding ports.
A built in additional feature is an ant moat which deters ants and other pesky insects from getting into the nectar. The bright red cover is removable for quick, easy cleaning. This particular feeder comes with a bonus pack of hummingbird nectar.
4. Perky-Pet Pinch-Waist Glass Hummingbird Feeder
Easily attract beautiful hummingbirds to your yard and garden with this classically designed glass feeder. This lovely feeder features a crystal clear glass bottle with a base sporting four realistic looking red and yellow flower- shaped petal ports making it very attractive for hummingbirds.
In addition to providing four comfortable perches for hummingbirds to rest on as they feed, the bright red color of this feeder is attention catching to hummingbirds, and the feeder has an eight ounce capacity.
The feeder features a clear wide mouth bottle, and the base easily disassembles making the feeder quickly easy to clean. This hummingbird feeder also comes with a built in ant moat aimed at preventing ants and other insects from crawling down into the ports.
No bees are allowed! Another nice feature with this feeder are built-in bee guards in each of the flower shaped petal ports, allowing hummingbirds uninterrupted access to nectar.
5. First Nature Hummingbird Feeder
How would you like to own the easiest hummingbird feeder on the market to clean? The First Nature thirty-two ounce heavy duty hanging wide jar hummingbird feeder has a vibrant red cap with an easy-to-fill plastic wide-mouth jar reservoir. This large capacity hummingbird feeder provides for a generous amount of nectar and comes with comes with an S-hook for easy hanging as well as a round perch design.
The bright red base and large perch contains a generous ten flower shaped raised feeding ports, and can comfortably accommodate many hummingbirds for pleasurable bird viewing. The easy to clean two part base twists apart which makes thorough cleaning a snap, and a unique sealing ring helps prevent leakage of nectar.
6. Birds Choice Best-1 Glass Hummingbird Nectar Feeder
You’re sure to enjoy endless hours of delightful hummingbird activity around your garden and home with this bright and uniquely designed looking feeder. The Birds Choice eight ounce glass feeder sports a uniquely designed attractive bright red plastic base with comfortable wrap around perch ring, and sports a total of eight feeding ports which hummingbirds are sure to love!
Made of durable glass, the reservoir of this hummingbird feeder helps to inhibit potential bacteria growth which is a nice feature, and the two-part plastic base easily disassembles and is easy to clean quickly.
7. Aspects Jewel Box Window Hummingbird Feeder
Watch hummingbird activity from indoors in the comfort of your home! The sturdy little Aspects window feeder attaches right to window exteriors with suction cups and is the perfect little feeder for very close up hummingbird viewing.
The feeder sports a red cover and clear bottom which is not only attractive to hummingbirds, but it also accommodates eight ounces of nectar. The feeder comes equipped with three feeding ports, and also comes with an optional ant moat to block crawling insects from getting into the nectar.
The High View perch allows birds to comfortably feed and rest while offering nice opportunities for bird watching. The feeder is easy to clean and refill and sports raised flowers that will divert the rain.
8. VIMOA Mini Hummingbird Feeder (4 Pack)
Good things come in small sized and The VIMOA mini hummingbird feeders are the ideal choice for hummingbird enthusiasts who just want to add a single small feeder to hanging planters, or in and around the deck and garden area.
Hummingbirds will love these little feeders which each hold 2.3 ounces of nectar. Each feeder comes with an adorable and realistic looking single yellow flower port to entice and attract hummingbirds.
These cute single feeders are made of durable plastic, and are very easy and quick to clean. The frequent nectar filling and cleaning of these feeders will also inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and mold that can build up in feeders.
9. Muse Garden Hummingbird Feeder for Outdoors – Hand Blown Glass
Let your hummingbirds feed in style! There probably isn’t a more visually attractive hummingbird feeder out there. The stunning hand blown glass Muse Garden hummingbird feeder comes in a variety of colors and shapes, and is equipped with four feeding ports as well as individual perches for birds to rest on as they feed.
The surprisingly simple structure of the feeder makes it easy to clean as well as fill with nectar, and the feeder comes with a cleaning brush, hemp rope and S- hook hangar as well as an ant moat.
The perches are perfect for birds to rest on while feeding, and the base comes with a tightly sealed leak-proof gasket to prevent leakage of nectar. The attractive and durable glass bottle is resistant to damage and fading.
10. Perky-Pet Lantern Hummingbird Feeder
This feeder is ideal for eat and run feeding so typical of hummingbirds. The feeder sports a cute lantern shape, and is made of reflective high quality clear plastic. It’s also a great hummingbird feeder for someone looking to save money.
Easy to fill, the feeder holds eighteen ounces of nectar, and contains four pretty realistic looking yellow flower shaped feeding ports that hummingbirds will be drawn to feed at.
The shatterproof two part red feeder base comes apart for quick cleaning, and then snaps together again easily.
Saying Goodbye to the Hummingbirds
As the days get shorter and the temperatures start to dip down at night, summer comes to a gradual end, and the hummingbirds start to leave for warmer climates. We’ve just gotten used to sharing our backyard spaces with these beautiful little birds, and then suddenly their delightful squeaks and chatter gradually fade away. Almost as suddenly as they arrive they’re gone, leaving in their absence an almost eerie quiet.
Caring for Your Hummingbird Feeders
One last thing worth mentioning is to protect your investment. Give all of your feeders a good cleaning before they are stowed away until the next season of hummingbird enjoyment! Empty out any old nectar from your feeders, and give them all a nice soapy washing.
A small slender bottle brush should come in handy for hard to reach nooks, and it’s important to make sure and scrub clean the feeding ports which can get blocked with built up nectar. After cleaning your feeders completely, store them in a bin along with their hangars, they they’ll be ready and waiting for you to put out again next spring.
Purchasing a Hummingbird Feeder
When it comes to purchasing hummingbird feeders, the sky’s the limit and there are so many available options. There are many different kinds of feeders in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Hopefully this list gave you a better idea of what’s out there, and will be helpful when it comes to choosing the best feeder for your budget. Most importantly, enjoy those hummingbirds while they’re around!
Also, remember that winter is the perfect time to switch gears. So, if you caught this article late in the year, now it the time to start thinking about attracting all those other beautiful garden birds to your feeders with tasty seeds, nuts and berries.
Excellent, informative and beautifully written! Many thanks to the author- you have launched me into a new and fascinating area!